Online SVG Viewer

Free Online SVG Converter - PNG to SVG, JPG to SVG, SVG to PNG, SVG to JPG

Do you need a free online SVG converter? It converts freely between PNG, JPG, and SVG. This advanced free online converter allows users to convert their PNG and JPG files into scalable vector graphics SVG, and vice versa, SVG to PNG or JPG images.

If you want to convert PNG or JPG files to SVG, our advanced SVG creator can assist you. The free PNG to SVG converter is a highly ranked SVG converter that has converted millions of files. Our online free SVG converter is free to use, with no file quantity limit. You can convert any number of files at will.

We have designed a simple and clear interface to meet the needs of graphic designers and web developers. Completely free, open the online tool, and start converting files to SVG or converting SVG to PNG, JPG.

Here are some supported famous image conversions: PNG to SVG, JPG to SVG, SVG to PNG, SVG to JPG.

What is the SVG format?

SVG is the most commonly used format for web development and other graphic environments. Scalable Vector Graphics are based on XML, describing lines, shapes, curves, colors, and text. SVG format is easily modifiable and can be used in web development; designers can manipulate SVG format with JavaScript and CSS. Traditional image formats like JPG and PNG cannot provide the usability and flexibility of SVG.

Introduction to Common Commands in SVG Format

SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) is an XML-based image format that describes images of two-dimensional vector graphics. SVG format files can contain various types of elements and commands used to define the structure, shape, color, and other properties of graphics. Here are some common commands in SVG format and their examples:

Path Commands:

"Move to" command (M): This command is used to move the pen to the specified coordinate point without drawing any lines. For example, M1010 moves the pen to the coordinates (10,10).

"Line to" command (L): This command is used to draw a straight line between the current position and a new position. For example, L5050 draws a straight line between the current position and the coordinates (50,50).

Horizontal line command (H): This command is used to draw a horizontal line. For example, H90 draws a horizontal line at the y-coordinate of the current position until the x-coordinate is 90.

Vertical line command (V): This command is used to draw a vertical line. For example, V90 draws a vertical line at the x-coordinate of the current position until the y-coordinate is 90.

"Close path" command (Z): This command is used to draw a straight line from the current position to the starting point of the path, thus closing the path.

Shape Element Commands:

Rectangle command (rect): This command is used to draw a rectangle. The position and dimensions of the rectangle can be specified. For example, <rectx="10"y="10"width="50"height="50"/> draws a rectangle with a width of 50 and a height of 50 at the coordinates (10,10).

Circle command (circle): This command is used to draw a circle. The position of the center and the radius can be specified. For example, <circlecx="50"cy="50"r="25"/> draws a circle with a radius of 25 at the coordinates (50,50).

Ellipse command (ellipse): This command is used to draw an ellipse. The position of the center, horizontal radius, and vertical radius can be specified. For example, <ellipsecx="75"cy="75"rx="50"ry="25"/> draws an ellipse with a horizontal radius of 50 and a vertical radius of 25 at the coordinates (75,75).

Line command (line): This command is used to draw a straight line. The coordinates of the starting and ending points of the line can be specified. For example, <linex1="0"y1="0"x2="100"y2="100"/> draws a straight line between the coordinates (0,0) and (100,100).

Polyline command (polyline): This command is used to draw a polyline composed of multiple line segments. The coordinates of multiple points on the polyline can be specified. For example, <polylinepoints="50,50 100,100 150,50 200,100"/> connects the coordinates (50,50), (100,100), (150,50), and (200,100) in sequence to form a polyline.

Polygon command (polygon): This command is used to draw a polygon composed of multiple line segments. Similar to a polyline, multiple points on the polygon can be specified. Finally, the polygon automatically closes by connecting the last point to the first point. For example, <polygonpoints="50,50 100,100 150,50"/> connects the coordinates (50,50), (100,100), and (150,50) in sequence to form a triangle.